All resources on eviQ Education fall under the following three categories:


  1. Created and developed by eviQ Education: using clinical expertise and evidence based best practice.
  2. Collaboration with an external party: including collaboration around content and development or development only.
  3. Hosting only: eviQ Education hosts appropriately approved resources developed by external partners. 

All eviQ Education resources undergo strict governance and development review. Prior to becoming approved, eviQ Education content and must meet the following criteria: 

  • Evidence based: Content is underpinned by a quality literature review or current, relevant data from a trusted source. Must include in text referencing and a reference list.
  • Peer reviewed: The resource is reviewed by a subject matter expert and clinicians experienced in the speciality/topic.
  • Point of care: The resource delivers knowledge and or/skills which relate to the delivery of treatment and or care of patients in an oncology setting.
  • Current: Resources must be current and up to date. Regular reviews are required to ensure currency is maintained.
  • Appeal to a national audience: Resource content should be applicable and relevant to a national target audience involved in the care of cancer patients.
  • Clinically appropriate: Resource content should be reflective of the Australian clinical healthcare context and comply with the Commonwealth of Australia’s regulatory and reimbursement process for drug marketing and subsidy, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) and the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS). No commercial drug or health care company names are to be included in any resources hosted on eviQ Education.

Interested in adding content on eviQ Education?  Read our digital standards and complete the application form.  The process for application is below.  

Initial application

  • The requesting organisation completes the application for hosting.
  • eviQ Education assesses the application and provides a determination in writing to the requesting organisation. Unsuccessful applications are provided with feedback. Successful applications are issued a quote for hosting.

Quality assurance testing

  • The requesting organisation provides module files for QA testing.
  • eviQ Education performs QA testing and provides feedback.
  • Required changes are made by the requesting organisation, and updated files resubmitted to eviQ Education.
  • eviQ Education loads the files onto the eviQ Education server and performs final QA testing.


  • Requesting organisation provides relevant metadata (e.g. course landing page information including learning objectives, target audience and course duration).
  • eviQ Education builds the landing page and makes the module available on the website.
  • eviQ Education sends the landing page to the requesting organisation for review along with a hosting agreement notice.
  • eviQ Education publishes the modules on its website.