eviQ Education is a program of the Cancer Institute NSW which provides medical, nursing, allied health and general ward staff with online learning resources. All resources aim to standardise and promote evidence based best practice when caring for patients with a cancer diagnosis.

All resources are designed to be implemented locally and can be incorporated into a Health Care Facility's Learning and Development Framework. All education resources attract continuing professional development (CPD) hours which can be documented to meet the CPD requirements as outlined in each disciplines Registration Standards.

The team works with health professionals from Australia and New Zealand to develop and review content ensuring all resources are applicable and support the different models of care.

Content development complies with a strict governance process and all materials used are evidence based and peer reviewed. All resources developed by eviQ Education support cancer education initiatives including eviQ Cancer Treatments Online, EdCaN and Cancer Learning.


Meet the team


Annie Zheng
Content Lead

“Working in eviQ Education is very rewarding, innovative and inspiring.”

Annie has previously worked in project management in both China and Denmark. Her skills include project monitoring, reporting, and stakeholder relations. She is highly skilled at instructional design, and the development of online education materials. Her role in the eviQ Education team involves the collaborative development of standardised online education resources for health professionals working in cancer services.

Catherine Bullivant
Engagement Advisor

“eviQ Education is an empowering team to belong to, everyone respects the skills we each bring – and willingly shares them.”

Catherine has worked at the Cancer Institute NSW for over a decade. A trained journalist with a portfolio of published work and a Fairfax cadetship, Catherine has enjoyed applying her skills across several program areas. She has worked closely with health professionals and internally to support programs with project and event management, evaluation, data analysis and reporting, marketing and communication.  Catherine joined eviQ Education in 2017, and has been supporting the team with the development of a coordinated approach to the delivery of their key messaging and communication outputs.

Jackie Hodges
eLearning Production Lead

“I love that people really care about their work in eviQ Education and that makes it all the more rewarding.”

Prior to joining the team at eviQ, Jackie spent many years working for a privately owned national direct marketing company. During this time Jackie gained experience in strategic business improvement, project management, auditing and training. Jackie has led teams consisting of client service, IT and Dtp staff and also led the Procurement team. Through her experience as a photographer, Jackie’s knowledge of the Adobe suite has led her to the Cancer Institute NSW working in the eviQ Education team developing online education materials. Her role in the eviQ Education team involves the collaborative development of standardised online education resources for health professionals working in cancer services.

Lisa McLean
Program Lead - eviQ Education

Lisa McLean has eight years’ experience in oncology, including seven years working in Radiation Therapy across Royal Prince Alfred hospital and Chris O’Brien Lifehouse. 
Lisa joined the Cancer Institute NSW in 2016 as a Participant Follow-up Function (PFUF) Officer for the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program, where she lead the creation, review and delivery of a complete training and assessment framework for new PFUF officers that is currently being considered for Commonwealth use.
Her interest in staff education and training led her to the eviQ Education team, where she has combined her clinical experience with her passion for education. 
Lisa coordinates and develops content for eviQ Education resources to support optimal patient care in an oncology setting.