- 2hrs
- Public
- Version: 1.0
- Review due: July 2020
This eLearning program has been developed for Registered Nurses who wish to develop their knowledge and skills in quality adolescent and young adult cancer care.
This module is currently out of date, review scheduled.
Each year in Australia approximately 1000 young people aged 15-25 years are diagnosed with cancer. Despite improvements in overall survival rates cancer remains the most common cause of non-accidental death among young people.(1)
Adolescent and young adults experience and respond to cancer in ways that differ from their paediatric and adult counterparts. Cancer for young people has the potential to disrupt social connections, interfere with intimate relationships, threaten fertility, challenge developmental transitions including education and employment and threaten physical and mental health.
This eLearning program will enhance nursing knowledge and skills in evidence based youth focused cancer care for adolescent and young adults.
(1) Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Cancer in adolescents and young adults in Australia. Canberra: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare; 2011.
Click here to download the transcript.
This program has been developed by the Victorian Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Service, drawing on expertise from across the cancer sector and underpinned by the collective experiences of young people and their families.
Additional Information
These modules include videos so please ensure your computer has speakers or headphone input. The videos include nursing, medical and allied health professionals plus actors representing the patient experience. Actors will be identified with an * and their alias name.
It is recommended that learners complete modules sequentially, however, this is not mandatory and you can choose modules that suit your learning needs.
At the end of each module there is a short survey that we encourage you to complete. This will ensure we can evaluate the current program and also identify additional opportunities for further education.
Thank you to our project team and the nurses who contributed to the development and evaluation of the content and format of this resource. We would like to extend a special thank you to the Victorian & Tasmanian Youth Cancer Advisory Board who through their own personal experience of cancer provided their lived knowledge to this education program.
Thank you to Abi Richardson, film maker, for video development.
This education program has have been developed in collaboration between the following:
- ​Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
- Melbourne Health
- The Paediatric Integrated Cancer Service
- Hume Regional Integrated Cancer Service
- Victorian & Tasmanian Youth Cancer Advisory Board
This project has been funded by Western and Central Melbourne Integrated Cancer Service and the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services.