Rapid learning:

How to avoid burnout this holiday season

Grab your cup of tea and find a quiet spot - this month our rapid learning will gift you two and a half minutes of reflection and quiet contemplation to get you in the right frame of mind for the silly season. Make sure you have the sound on for this one...we promise it will transport you to another place!

We wish you all a wonderful, safe and relaxing holiday season and very happy new year!

 Watch the new rapid learning →

Radiation oncology nursing knowledge and skills (RONKAS)

We're delighted to launch the radiation oncology nursing knowledge and skills (RONKAS) framework to support the standardised learning and competency assessment of nurses working in radiation oncology.

This is the first of its kind in Australia, and has been affectionately called ADAC for radiation onocology. The framework is fully supported with facilitator tools, including checklists and assessment tools and guides.

 View the framework →

Cancer Medicines: Updated

We've made changes to reflect the latest clinical relevance:

  • New oral anticancer medicines added
  • Prescription verification process updated
  • Drug interactions and adverse effects reviewed and examples updated

View the course →


Immunotherapies recognised as top 5 eLearning program in Australia

The eviQ Education team were among some tough competition for Best eLearning Program as part of the Australian Institute of Training and Development (AITD) Excellence Awards. Our Immunotherapies module made the top 5, and we are proud to be considered! We are a very determined bunch and have learnt a lot about the industry through the process, and certainly won't give up trying! 


eviQ updates

Updated eviQ protocols

Check out the latest protocol updates, new protocols published and document updates...

eviQ updates →


Season's greetings!

eviQ Education would like to wish you all a very safe and happy festive season. Thank you for all your support in 2018 and we look forward to another productive and successful year in 2019!


Subscribe to receive rapid learning updates direct to your inbox.

 Request a rapid learning topic: Let us know if there's anything you would like included in our rapid learning series: eviqed@eviq.org.au

 eviQ Education flyers available for your practice: Featuring a catalogue of all our courses. Request hardcopies by emailing us your details: eviqed@eviq.org.au

 Facilitator training (online webinar): Facilitator training dates are now available for 2019! Please email us on eviqed@eviq.org.au to book your place and receive webinar login details.

 Share the love: If you have a colleague who may be interested in receiving this monthly update – please invite them to subscribe!

 Feedback please: We would love to hear what you think about this monthly update – so please drop us a line with any story ideas, requested content or to volunteer your learnings as a case study: eviqed@eviq.org.au



Holiday shutdown

eviQ and the Cancer Institute NSW offices will be closed from midday Friday 21st December 2018 and will reopen on Monday 7th January 2019.



Did you know?

32% of health professionals with direct patient contact experience a high level of emotional exhaustion.

Don't become a statistic! Restore your wellbeing with this month's new rapid learning.