
eviQ (comprising eviQ and eviQ Education) is a national program of the Cancer Institute NSW supporting the delivery of safe, high-quality cancer care.

eviQ Education provides open access, web-based cancer eLearning resources for health professionals, including:


  • courses
  • modules
  • rapid learning resources
  • videos
  • podcasts
  • webinars.

eviQ Education resources link to up-to-date, peer reviewed, evidence-based information from eviQ Cancer Treatments Online.


These resources support health professionals to keep their professional skills up to date, so that they can deliver safe, evidence-based cancer care and ensure the rapid uptake of emerging evidence into clinical practice.


Read more about eviQ Education

eviQ Education courses are designed for cancer health professionals. This may include clinical and non-clinical staff from medical oncology, haematology, pharmacy, community and paediatric settings in rural, remote metropolitan and regional cancer centres.


eviQ Education resources support learners and educators (who deliver education and development with staff in local facilities, for instance, as a course facilitator).


Some resources are self-directed learning (online components only), and others are blended learning that require involvement of a local facilitator or clinical assessor (supervising clinical practice and undertaking competency assessments).


Please note that eviQ resources have been developed for the Australian context.

eviQ resources, including eviQ Education courses, are made available free of charge.

A learning pathway supports learners to progress from beginner through to an advanced level. eviQ Education has developed a suite of resources to support health professionals to develop the skills for their scope of practice. Learners and their facilities will determine the competencies required.


For example, eviQ Education suggests a systemic anti-cancer therapy learning pathway to support the development of knowledge and clinical skills for health professionals, such as cancer nurses. The pathway is designed to complement in-house training at local facilities.


Rapid learning can help health professionals to acquire new knowledge and skills quickly. Mini-modules and videos generally are succinct and cover essential information and can be completed within about 15 minutes by the average user.


Rapid learning resources across various clinical topics can be produced relatively quickly to respond to system needs.


Visit our Rapid Learning course library

You do not need a login to access eviQ Education eLearning.


Register an account with eviQ Education to access to special features on the eviQ Education website, such as facilitator toolbox and the LMS administrator resources. This is a separate login to the eviQ website.