How do I do that again?

Dealing with cancer and other medical conditions is stressful and it can become hard to remember all the information given by the many different specialists involved in your treatment. To help you remember certain nutrition and speech pathology needs, Peter Mac in collaboration with Western & Central Melbourne Integrated Cancer Service has developed seven short videos, called vodcasts, for you to watch.

Why you should watch our vodcasts?

You can easily watch our vodcasts at a time and place that suits you. They are designed to help you and your family or carer understand and remember the information given to you by health professionals. These vodcasts cover a number of different nutrition and speech pathology areas to help you.

How do vodcasts help?

Watching vodcasts at a time and place that suits you can:

  • assist you to remember and further understand the information you were given
  • remind you of the skills you learnt
  • improve how well you notice and manage possible complications
  • increase your confidence in self-managing your care needs
  • promote a consistent approach in the management of nutrition and speech pathology needs across health services.

What areas do the vodcasts cover?

There are seven vodcasts available to watch. They are each available by simply clicking on the title:  

For more information:

Please contact your dietitian or speech pathologist.

www.petermac.org opens in a new tab or window 


Whilst appreciable care has been taken in the preparation of these vodcasts, Western & Central Melbourne Integrated Cancer Service (WCMICS) and Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre (PMCC) provide these as an educational tool only. WCMICS, PMCC and the patients and clinicians involved in production, will not be held liable for any errors or omissions that may be found in any of the information conveyed and you are encouraged to consult your health care professionals to confirm information regarding your nutritional and speech pathology care.