Development and hosting

eviQ Education produces most resources in-house, but we also host resources from other organisations that meet our standards.

Read more about our strict governance and development process, including extensive clinical review processes.

All eviQ Education resources are reviewed by a collective of practising medical, nursing and allied health clinicians across Australia.

We are delighted to have many health professionals involved in the review of our resources. For more information about our types of review opportunities, please see our review group webpage and register your interest.

eviQ Education gratefully receives clinical input and suggestions on gaps in education resources. We rely on clinical users to provide feedback. Please contact us with suggestions for eLearning resources.

Please note we only consider developing courses if they meet our criteria and if a similar resource does not already exist.

All eviQ Education resources undergo strict governance and development review, and content and must criteria to be published or made available on the eviQ Education website. There may be associated hosting costs.

Please review our guidelines, digital standards and application information.